Tag Archive: Ridley Scott

To say that Ridley Scott’s “Prometheus” was polarizing might be an understatement. People loved it or hated it. Jon Spaihts and Damon Lindelof wrote the script, but now Fox is apparently courting a new writer for “Prometheus 2”. Jack Paglen is apparently the top choice to write the sequel. The bad news is he has only one screenplay to his credit. The good news is that screenplay is “Transcendence”, the debut from longtime Christopher Nolan collaborator Wally Pfister starring Johnny Depp, Paul Bettany, Cillian Murphy and Morgan Freeman, but he’s still unproven. Do you want to see what happens to Elizabeth (Noomi Rapace) and David (Michael Fassbender)?

Lukas Eggen can be reached at eggen.lukas@gmail.com.

Writer Michael Green, who scripted WB’s upcoming “Robopocalypse” has been hired to do rewrites on “Blade Runner 2”. Hampton Fancher, writer of the original “Blade Runner” wrote the first draft. Ridley Scott (“Prometheus”) is returning to direct. The first film starred Harrison Ford.

Lukas Eggen can be reached at eggen.lukas@gmail.com.

Ever since “Prometheus” ended, the rumors have swirled about a sequel. Noomi Rapace and Michael Fassbender (at least his head) are the only two survivors from the and Ridley Scott’s sort of prequel to “Alien” seemed to be destined to see sequels. Except that might not be the case. Here’s a rundown on what happened so far. Jon Spaihts wrote the original draft of the script and had the film tie directly into “Alien” with the ship flying at the end being the one that Ripley found in that film. But Fox wanted more than one prequel so they brought in “Lost” writer Damon Lindelof to rework the script. Spaihts said he had talked with Scott about continuing the story, so it seems a little odd that Fox would remove him. Lindelof’s changes to the script have been met with mixed reviews. But here’s what he had to say about the film to Slash Film:

“The unglamorous truth is this: During the creative process of Prometheus, all involved (that includes Fox and Ridley) had a strong desire for this film to launch off in its own way so that by the end, it would not connect directly to the original Alien, but instead run parallel to it. This is something that I talked about many, many times in the press burst around the release of the movie. As you probably remember, there was a lot of interest as to whether Prometheus was a “prequel” — the answer was, “Yes. Sort of. But if there was a sequel to Prometheus, it would not be Alien.”

Taking the strong foundation that Jon Spaihts had already written, I worked on the script to this end — and yes, during that process, Ridley did occasionally riff on what he felt might happen next as Shaw and David’s Head ventured off of LV-223 in search of wherever The Engineers had come from.

After the movie came out and discussions began about a possible sequel, I was already neck deep in writing and producing Tomorrowland with Brad Bird. I have found, unfortunately, that if I take on too many projects at one time, there is a higher probability of those projects sucking. And contrary to popular belief, I do not want anything I work on to suck. I really don’t. I care about these stories deeply — not just as a writer, but as a fan. It might not always feel that way to the audience, but I swear to God it is true. It also so happens that Ridley was about to embark on directing his next movie, The Counselor, and had another one, Child 44 lined up right behind it. The conclusion was obvious — In the best interest of the franchise, it was best to take myself out of the running before I had to suffer the embarrassment of potentially not even being offered it.

And that it is the complete (if not somewhat boring) truth.”

The problem now is that apparently they don’t know where to take the story and Fox executives are freaking out about that.

Lukas Eggen can be reached at eggen.lukas@gmail.com.

From Pi to Moses?

Steven Spielberg has officially dropped the project “Gods and Kings”, the biblical epic that will tell the story of Moses. Now reports are that the studio is hoping Ang Lee, fresh off his Best Director for “life of Pi” will helm the project. A rival Moses film, from Ridley Scott, is said to be nearing readiness for production with Michael Fassbender and Javier Bardem attached to that project. Might we see two Moses films with Oscar pedigree going head to head?

Lukas Eggen can be reached at eggen.lukas@gmail.com.

Whether you liked it or hated it, Ridley Scott’s “Prometheus” was one of the most talked about films of last year. And I do have some hope that if a sequel is made they can answer more questions and improve the quality. But it didn’t do nearly as well at the box office as some predicted. But star Noommi Rapace said a sequel is still coming. Rapace said she would love to do one, it’s just a matter of finding the right story. Which is strange since didn’t they supposedly have everything mapped out? But we’re unlikely to see a sequel anytime soon, especially with Scott moving forward with a new “Blade Runner” film. The first film also starred Charlize Theron, Idris Elba, Michael Fassbender and more.

Lukas Eggen can be reached at eggen.lukas@gmail.com.

Don’t get too excited, however. Syfy is in talks to develop a four-hour miniseries adaptation of “The Man in the High Castle”. Set in 1962, the story centers around an alternate history where Germany and Japan emerged victorious from WWII. Philip K. Dick wrote the story. Ridley Scott’s Scott Free Productions will produce the project with Headline Pictures, Electric Shepherd Productions and FremantleMedia International. Frank Spotnitz (“The X-Files”) will serve as writer. Dick’s novels that have been adapted into several projects including “Total Recall”, “Blade Runner”, “Minority Report” and “The Adjustment Bureau”.

Lukas Eggen can be reached at eggen.lukas@gmail.com.

Long before the release of “Prometheus”, director Ridley Scott teased doing a “Blade Runner” sequel or prequel. Of course much of the speculation has surrounded whether Harrison Ford would return. But apparently Sean Young, who played the replicant Rachael has talked with the people behind the new film. Here’s what she told Crave.

“I did meet with them, but I think at that point they just wanted to meet me and I don’t think they have any plans of using any of the original people, although I can’t say for sure. I do think, let me just say it right here, I do think it would be a disappointment to the audience not to have Rachel in it but you know what, folks in Hollywood make mistakes all the time.”

Sounds like she’d be all for it. Though I’m still not sure I wanna see another “Blade Runner” film.

Lukas Eggen can be reached at eggen.lukas@gmail.com.

Most overrated film of 2012?

Readers of the LA Times voted Joss Whedon’es mega-blockbuster “The Avengers” as the most overrated film of 2012, gathering 85%  of the vote. It’s important to note that 2,600 people voted, so it’s not too big of a sample size. Ridley Scott’s “Prometheus” came in at second with 5% of the vote. “Bernie”, starring Jack Black, was voted the most under appreciated film of 2012.

Lukas Eggen can be reached at eggen.lukas@gmail.com.

“Prometheus” was the sort of “Alien” prequel that really didn’t tie into that film all that much. But, what if Ridley Scott made a different film called “Alien: Engineers” from John Spaihts.

Visit here to read the script that didn’t get chosen. I haven’t read the script, but according to one site:

“Spaihts’ draft is very similar to the finished film in many ways – except the finished film ruins or dumbs down aspects of his script. They’re on LV-426 in his draft. The guys who get lost in the pyramid? The script acknowledges the stupidity and makes it a character moment. It includes this great line: ‘To Milburn and Fifield. The first human beings to freak out, get lost, and sleep in their suits in the ruins of an alien civilization.’

“The ship isn’t called Prometheus. The connection between human and Engineer DNA is explained. The construction of the pyramids on Earth is explained! The scientists don’t get stupidly bummed out when they find the Engineers dead – they’re excited by what this means for science and understanding! Weyland wants to find the Engineers not for dumb eternal life, but for terraforming technology! And the end is better!”

Lukas Eggen can be reached at eggen.lukas@gmail.com.

Ridley Scott talks sequels

“Prometheus” was a discussion starter among the summer movies. Director Ridley Scott said the sequel isn’t a sure thing yet, but has some ideas about the sequel. Here’s what he told Metro:

“Prometheus evolved into a whole other universe. You’ve got a person [Noomi Rapace’s Elizabeth Shaw] with a head in a bag [ Michael Fassbender’s David] that functions and has an IQ of 350. It can explain to her how to put the head back on the body and she’s gonna think about that long and hard because, once the head is back on his body, he’s dangerous.”‘

Scott also dished some news about “Blade Runner” and its sequel. In his words: “It’s not a rumor…it’s happening.”

Whether Harrison Ford would return, that is still to be determined, Scott said.

Lukas Eggen can be reached at eggen.lukas@gmail.com.