Tag Archive: Ant-Man

Vin Diesel already starred in “Fast and Furious 6” and is returning to the world of Riddick with “Riddick”. But could he also join the Marvel film universe? Diesel tweeted that he was taking a meeting with Marvel, but didn’t know what for. Now before “The Avengers” came out from Joss Whedon, there were rumors that Diesel would play Vision. Then there were rumors he’d play Vision in Edgar Wright’s “Ant-Man”. But, and this might be wishful thinking, wouldn’t it be cool if he played Kingpin in a DareDevil remake?

Lukas Eggen can be reached at eggen.lukas@gmail.com.

Armie Hammer is…Ant-Man?

Well…if you believe Armie Hammer himself, the answer is no. But rumors are flying after he was spotted on the set of “Captain America: The Winter Soldier”. Rumors then started that he had visited the set with Edgar Wright (“Scott Pilgrim vs. The World”), who is of course directing the Marvel film. But Hammer denied even knowing who Wright was and said he visited the set to see a friend. Sounds…suspicious. Anyway, the other big rumor was that Nathan Fillion was up for the role, though he’s repeatedly denied that. If it was one of these two actors, who would you prefer? Hammer can next be seen in “The Lone Ranger” with Johnny Depp.

Lukas Egegn can be reached at eggen.lukas@gmail.com.

Last month, Edgar Wright teased that he directed a shot in a summer movie. Now he revealed that movie to be “Star Trek Into Darkness”. It’s only a shot, so nothing to get too excited about. But, cool none-the-less. Based on the photo he tweeted, it looks like it’s one of the klingon scenes. Wright has his own summer movie coming out with “The World’s End” hitting theaters in August and of course, he has that “Ant-Man” film coming out.

Lukas Eggen can be reached at eggen.lukas@gmail.com.

Marvel Studios kicked off Phase 2 with “Iron Man 3” starring Robert Downey Jr. last weekend. But producer Kevin Feige is already looking ahead to Phase 3. In an interview with Collider, he said this: “Dr. Strange is something that I talk about often and it’s sort of next up for us to dig into and explore. Our executive producer of Iron Man 3, having done Captain America: The First Avenger and as that was finishing he started working on the bones that would become Iron Man 3, and now that he’s finished with Iron Man 3, he’s working on the bones that would become Doctor Strange. Now that Iron Man 3 is finished, some of our quote-unquote spare time is going to be devoted to trying to crack Strange.”

That would likely put a Doctor Strange movie in the release window of summer 2016 if it came after Edgar Wright’s “Ant-Man”.

Lukas Eggen can be reached at eggen.lukas@gmail.com.

Enjoy Tony Stark’s (Robert Downey Jr.) latest adventure in “Iron Man 3”. It could be his last. Gwyenth Paltrow told Geek Nation “I don’t think there’s going to be an Iron Man 4.”


Well if you think about it to make more “Iron Man” films RDJ and Paltrow would need new contracts. And Marvel has “Guardians of the Galaxy”, “Ant-Man” from Edgar Wright, the rights to make a new “DareDevil” film and those pesky Dr. Strange and Black Panther film rumors. So we could be seeing some of the heros rotate out of the lime light for a while.

Lukas Eggen can be reached at eggen.lukas@gmail.com.

Marvel is gearing up for the release of “Iron Man 3” in May starring Robert Downey Jr., Ben Kingsley, Gwyneth Paltrow and a host of others. Of course you’ve got Captain America and Thor coming up. Heck even Edgar Wright’s “Ant-Man” is moving forward. One character that has seemingly gone nowhere is “Dr. Strange” but that may be changing. Reports are that Justin Theroux is in the running to play Dr. Strange. No word on whether he would be appearing in a future film, getting his own film or even that Theroux is in the running. He did write “Iron Man 2” so he has an in to Marvel Studios.

Lukas Eggen can be reached at eggen.lukas@gmail.com.

Marvel may just be starting its Phase 2 with “Iron Man 3” and “Thor: Dark World”, Kevin Feige has already spilled the beans on two Phase 3 films. Those would be Edgar Wright’s “Ant-Man” and a “Doctor Strange” film!

These are still a long ways away since they will be hitting theaters after “The Avengers 2”, but still, exciting news.

Lukas Eggen can be reached at eggen.lukas@gmail.com.

Charlie Brown to take on Marvel

Fox has moved the upcoming Peanuts movie to Nov. 6, 2015. That means Charlie Brown and company will take on Edgar Wright’s Marvel flick “Ant-Man”. I’m surprised. I kind of think Peanuts will get overshadowed. The latest Winnie the Pooh movie failed to find much of an audience and now Peanuts will face the Marvel juggernaut.

Lukas Eggen can be reached at eggen.lukas@gmail.com.

“Ant Man” gets release date

Director Edgar Wright has been teasing this for a while. His Comic-Con footage wowed fans. Now, Marvel is officially announcing “Ant Man” will hit theaters in November of 2015. That’s a little long. And, it’s AFTER “The Avengers” 2″. I wouldn’t be surprised to see Joss Whedon have Ant Man come into contact with Iron Man, Thor and company during that film.

Lukas Eggen can be reached at eggen.lukas@gmail.com.

“S.H.I.E.L.D.” is headed to the small screen. It was reported that “SHIELD”will be Joss Whedon’s (“The Avengers”) Marvel TV show, which has been picked up by ABC. No details on who will star, but one has to imagine Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson) will at least make a cameo in the pilot. This makes sense, that way the films can continue to focus on the heros like Iron Man, Thor and Captain America. It also means Marvel could introduce smaller characters through the TV show like say if Edgar Wright’s “Ant-Man” falls through.

Lukas Eggen can be reached at eggen.lukas@gmail.com.