Tag Archive: Joel Silver

Bane is “The Outsider”

Tom Hardy, best known for his roles in Christopher Nolan’s “Inception” and “The Dark Knight Rises”, is taking a lead role. Now Bane will play the lead in”The Outsider”, about an American G.I. who becomes a member of the notorious Japanese Yakuza. Joel Silver (“The Matrix”) is producing and the film will be directed by Takashi Miike. Miike will be directing his first English language film after directing films like “Audition” and “13 Assassins”.

Lukas Eggen can be reached at eggen.lukas@gmail.com.

Writer Michael Bacall may not be a huge name, but he should. He wrote “21 Jump Street” and the underrated “Scott Pilgrim vs. The World”. But his latest project has me a little skeptical. He will script a remake to “Weird Science”, one of the most celebrated films from the late John Hughes. Joel Silver (“The Matrix”) is producing the film turned TV series that saw two nerds create the perfect woman.

Lukas Eggen can be reached at eggen.lukas@gmail.com.

This project just won’t die. Unfortunately. Back in 2007 and 2010, reports swirled that a remake of the Kurt Russell classic “Escape From New York” was getting remade. At the time Len Wiseman was attached to direct and Gerard Butler was going to star. That’s no longer the case, but Joel Silver is still planning to bring the film back. And it will be a trilogy if Silver has his way.

Please no.

Lukas Eggen can be reached at eggen.lukas@gmail.com.

Produce Joel Silver has been behind some of the biggest films of the past decade. Now, he is bringing a new film “Sanctuary” to Paramount Pictures. The movie will follow a young woman who is possessed by a powerful demonic force and tries to take refuge in The Sanctuary, a secret organization set up and run by The Vatican. Once there, she learns to use her inner demon as a weapon against evil. Sounds right up Silver’s alley, who has produced “The Matrix” trilogy, “Sherlock Holmes” and many more films.

It’s being described as “Wanted” meets “Blade”.  Sounds cool to me.

Lukas Eggen can be reached at eggen.lukas@gmail.com.