WB may have passed on Ron Howard’s ambitious “The Dark Tower” adaptation, but the studio bought a script for a film about Pontius Pilate. The film will follow Pilate’s journey as a soldier who gains power under the Roman Emperor Tiberius, but screws up along the way and finds himself desperate for public approval when the time comes to make the choice as to the fate of Jesus of Nazareth. The script was written by “The Woman in Black” writer Vera Biasi. The big question is will this come to fruition. Darren Aronofsky, Ridley Scott, Steven Spielberg and Paul Verhoeven all have Biblical films in various stages of development. This looks like a growing trend for Hollywood, though Aronofsky’s “Noah” starring Russell Crowe could make or break the genre.

Lukas Eggen can be reached at eggen.lukas@gmail.com.